The management of ZAGREBPETROL d.o.o. company
established the following quality and environmental management policy:
- to offer its customers services which will optimally
satisfy their needs;
- to extend the lifetime of their equipment and objects;
- to active stimulate the separated collection of usable waste;
- to treat waste in an optimal and ecologically acceptable way;
- to work out the possibility of the useful reuse of waste;
- we use the most up-to-date technology of cleansing in waste water
treatment, in order to make the treated water quite clean and ready
for renewed use.
- We enable our staff to work in the way guaranteeing personal protection,
protection of equipment and objects and the protection of environment
from the negative influences within contemporary technical and professional
- We provide for the readiness to intervene with traffic accidents and
eco-accidents and to rehabilitate soil contaminated by hydrocarbons.
- We permanently adjust our activities and work processes with legal
regulations aspiring for the permanent improvement of our resources
and processes in accordance with new professional knowledge and technologies,
trying to prevent environmental pollution and efficiency of processes.
- We have set ambitious, achievable and measurable goals of quality
and environmental protection.
- We stimulate every employee to recognize his/her role and benefit
from achieving those objectives.
- We integrate quality and environment management into an integral business
system applying the requirements of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards,
making efforts to improve its efficiency.
The management periodically checks up-to-datedness
of the established quality and environmental management policy. This policy
is available to all the interested parties marking a permanent orientation
of the company ZAGREBPETROL d.o.o. in relation to the quality of the process
and activity, and the protection of the environment from negative impacts.